Source code for logutils

"""Module that defines common logging functions.

See Also
dbutils : module that defines common database functions.
genutils : module that defines many general and useful functions.

.. _Configuration dictionary schema:
.. _Configuring Logging:
.. _logging configuration file:


from datetime import datetime
import logging.config
# Custom modules
from pyutils.genutils import read_yaml

[docs]def get_error_msg(exc): """Get an error message from an exception. It converts an error message of type :exc:`Exception` (e.g. :exc:`sqlite3.IntegrityError`) into a string to then be logged. Parameters ---------- exc : Exception The error message as an :exc:`Exception`, e.g. :exc:`TypeError`, which will be converted to a string. Returns ------- error_msg : str The error message converted as a string. """ error_msg = '[{}] {}'.format(exc.__class__.__name__, exc.__str__()) return error_msg
[docs]def setup_logging(logging_config): """Setup logging from a YAML configuration file or logging dictionary. Loggers can be setup through a YAML logging configuration file or logging dictionary which defines the loggers, their handlers, and the formatters (how log messages get displayed). Also, a date and time can be added to the beginning of the log filename by setting the option ``add_datetime`` to True in the `logging configuration file`_. Thus, you can generate log filenames like this:: 2019-08-29-00-58-22-debug.log Parameters ---------- logging_config : str or dict The YAML configuration file path or the logging :obj:`dict` that is used to setup the logging. The contents of the logging dictionary is described in `Configuration dictionary schema`_. Returns ------- config_dict : dict The logging configuration :obj:`dict` that is used to setup the logger(s). The contents of the logging dictionary is described in `Configuration dictionary schema`_. Raises ------ KeyError Raised if a key in the logging config :obj:`dict` is not found. OSError Raised if the YAML logging config file doesn't exist. ValueError Raised if the YAML logging config :obj:`dict` is invalid, i.e. a key or value is invalid. Example: a logging handler's class is written incorrectly. Notes ----- For an example of a YAML logging configuration file, check `Configuring Logging`_. """ try: # Check type of logging_config if isinstance(logging_config, str): # It is a YAML configuration file config_dict = read_yaml(logging_config) else: # It is a logging config dictionary config_dict = logging_config if config_dict.get('add_datetime'): # Add the datetime to the beginning of the log filename # ref.: filename = config_dict['handlers']['file']['filename'] new_filename = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S}-{}'.format(, filename) config_dict['handlers']['file']['filename'] = new_filename # Update the logging config dict with new values from config_dict logging.config.dictConfig(config_dict) except OSError as e: raise OSError(e) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(e) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(e) else: return config_dict